Alright y’all, I’ve got a facemask on, Philz coffee in my mug (bless you and your thoughtfulness, Rachel Dow), and I’m fresh off a two hour Facetime with my mother. It’s a good day to write a post. I’m gonna be straight up right now and tell you that this one isn’t going to be that funny or long bc this period of time was hard for me and it was also cold so I didn’t leave my room. (Also I accidentally deleted my note of things from this time period…)

The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas was not the most fun I’ve ever had. It got cold, it got foggy, and I got sad. Living in cloudless California for the past 4 years did not prepare me for the wintertime blues. It was weird - I slept for like 14 hours a day, and I was still tired. I was numb to the world except when we had practice or games, I’m always happy to play volley. It happened to Z and Mic too, I think everyone that plays overseas knows the feeling of numbness that comes with the winter if you let it in. We needed some sun and some family time, so Christmas couldn’t come fast enough. Luckily though, we were all crushing it on the court, we played some good volley.
Volley-wise, we played 7 games. Lost in 5 to VFM, beat Dudingen in 4, lost to Aesch in 5, lost to Volero in 3 (I dug Foluke, it was cool), won our first CEV Cup match in Belgium in 3, beat Schaffhausen in 3, and finally beat Koniz in 3 (my fam saw this one!!). We finished the first round of league in 3rd.
Speaking of volley…STANFORD!!!!!! WON!!!!!! THE!!!!!!! NATTY!!!!!!! In the Elite Eight, they came back from being down 0-2 against Wisconsin to go to the Final Four. During this game, me Mic and Carole were at Carole’s parents’ house in Solothurn. We had been eating raclette (melted cheese, lol) and drinking a lot of Carole’s dad’s really good wine. And I was not okay. I cried several times that night as I followed via every social media/friend I had. I laid on the Trosch’s living room floor sobbing for about 20 mins before Inky and Merete Facetimed me. I could not process my joy, Michaela and Carole had to talk to them for me.

And then obviously they had to play two more games. I watched them play Minnesota via Facetime with my father, who is such a champ - he stood right in front of our TV and held the phone there for the entire two hour game even when his arms started cramping. Cried again, less dramatic though - there isn’t a lot in life that’s more dramatic than winning as the underdog after being down 0-2.
I did not watch the finals. I couldn’t do it. We played Schaffhausen that day and I was sooooooo sick to my stomach all day bc I was so nervous. I’ve never been that nervous for a game in my life. Not my game, Stanford vs. Texas, the finals. I woke up at 6 am Swiss time to 48 texts (I am not on the Stanford team anymore everyone, plz remember). I didn’t cry that time. I’ve never been so at a loss for words. My joy for them, my pride in being a part of that program, and my indescribable feeling of justice at last for Inky were overwhelming. I’m crying again writing this. That is so freaking special and I truly do not know someone who is more deserving than Inky. And I know a lot of people in the volley world. She’s a freak of nature, a relentlessly hard working person, an inspiring leader, and despite loving to stir the pot for her own entertainment, a good person straight to the core. And she’s visiting Switzerland next week. HELL YEAH.
Random Things:
It’s my mom’s birthday. She’s the shit. I love that woman. If you haven’t already, tell her how great she is, and if you have, tell her again.
I apologize to my father for the lack of bday shoutout for him since his is in December and the blog was out of commission at that time. Tell my dad how great he is too. I lucked out when it comes to parents. And most other things in life too lol.
Birthday shoutout to Inky as well. But you don't have to tell her how great she is, she knows.
We watched La La Land last night and I am still recovering. Emma Stone guys. What is it about Emma’s?? Emma Watson and Emma Stone could make the most iconic friend group…I was supposed to be named Emma. (This is not a joke, it’s the only mistake my parents ever made raising me.)
We have 4 games this week. L O L at my body.
Thank you Megan Gravely for the hilarious snap of Inky. I have laughed at it more times than a normal person would. She does make really good chili.
Don’t worry, the next post will be funny again (my family ate snails).
Lots of love,